Game 51: Hornets at Bucks

Originally sent in Game 51: Hornets at Bucks

I can tell I am a dad because I think the coolest thing about yesterday is dell gets to call his son's games for a 1/3 of a season. That's really special

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Absolutely. As a father, I can't imagine anything being much better.

+1 1

my 8yo daughter wanted me to rewind to hear (listen to it a 2nd time) Ashley's report pregame. I am sure that's a proud dad feeling for Mr S. too


I'm thinking about all the time they get to spend together.


First game I've watched in a while. Kind of excited. Energy looks good early.


I still don't get what Nick does on the court most of the time.

That didn't change with shipping PJ out :wink:

from 5-4 to 6-17, that escalated quickly



Nice little baby hook by Nick Richards

McGowan making up for the bad reverse decision.


anyone know why Nathan Mensa is not on our Spotrac player list?

Lillard seems off. So does our outside shooting. Not sure what will change first.


hate having numbers on two trips in a row and not getting anything out of it.


oh dear lord that was a sad possession


Ok I've seen enough of the guys that have played for the last month. Can we mass sub the new players (are they even with the team yet?) I see the Bucks got Bev in already


I honestly don't think we're going to see much difference with the new guys or the exit of PJ/Gordo

maybe a bit more competence in the lead guard position…

(not sure I am counting on Melo coming back any time soon - so if Micic and Mann can give us more than Cody, I wouldn't be surprised)


No new guys tonight. They'll play tomorrow


Do you see any of them making an impact realistically this season?


I'd love to see something akin to the end of last season where a bunch of bench guys came together and played energetic ball that made the games interesting. That's my hope.

I definitely don't understand modern calls or no calls on traveling.

+1 1

ok, Stacey Augmon needs to give up the nickname after that Gianis step through move

Man, we are hard to watch


I am at WWE but seems like Cody Martin at PG is still going great. If theres any night to try Bailey out its tonight but Cliff just can't bring himself to do it lol

Also looks like Miller getting doubled and trapped on every touch


Fun fact, only one player w/ 2:18 left in the first has more points than shot attempts - Nick Smith Jr. at 3 pts, 1-2 shooting. Everyone else is at or less than

+1 1

Clif sweating trying to keep him under 20 mins tonight


Cody is stinking up the joint tonight. Wonder if he's not healthy but they pressed him into service because of the lack of available bodies (or perception of it)

Will we get to 60 points tonight?


We only need 2 more right now to hit it… so I say no. Haha


and will we keep them under 140?

Martin might find distributing the ball easier if he were to not chuck it at guys heads at 80mph from 8" away.

Geez Clifford, put in Amari, why the heck did you pay for the fuel in the plane for him to not play when you are 40 down


Put Amari in for twitter atleast


how does Gianis not get a delay of game for holding the ball from the ref to force a conversation?


edit… 1 more.


ok, accomplishment #1 in the books, now to hold them under 140


Martin isn't hurt he just sucks and is being asked to play a position he has no business playing.

We gotta play the whole bench in the 4th quarter with a game tmrw night.

But we won't


The whole bench is just putting Amari in

We only have 10 dressed


So now that we didn’t trade Miles, he’s not going to be good the rest of the season… right?


My contention all along is that he's not that good. I loathe the off-court stuff but his on-court is just empty calories. He'll look better w/ more competence to give him driving lanes, but he's not a guy that can put a team on his back

If we don't start the 4th w/ Amari on the court, I'll contend that Clifford is still the ass I feel he has grown to be


Good luck. Amari will be lucky to get 2 minutes tonight


Why has NSJ only played 11 minutes? I haven’t been able to watch. Is he injured??


there's NO reason to have that kid be the only one to not get playing time

Someone please tell me what possible reason Amari is not allowed to get PT right now?

You are getting five (5) new players tomorrow, his chances are zero from thereafter, put him in the fucking game with time on the clock Cliff


I don’t think Bailey has been all that great in Greensboro. But I still agree that he should be getting minutes tonight. It really pisses me off that NSJ has 11 minutes through the 3rd quarter in a 40 point deficit game. What a fucking joke


This is the stuff that grosses me out about Cliff.

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Bailey has been in Cliffs doghouse since early in the season. I heard Cliff ripped into him in a preseason practice and talked about his entire approach to the game needing to change


This is just visually gross. The kid is the ONLY player on the bench w/ sweats to not see a minute in a 40 point deficit and the game has been over since the 2nd half started.

I don't care if the kid didn't bring in Cliff's newspaper and that was on the chores list. This is just wrong

I'm done. I sure hope we find out that Amari actually had a broken fibutibulasomething and was only dressed for nba dress rules. Otherwise, … eh fuck it, not like I respected Cliff anyway so no changes.


Amari is in lol he gets 3 mins

So glad that Amari Bailey got 4 whole minutes of action in a 30+ point blow out.

Great job Cliff.

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He can’t be gone quick enough

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This is the stuff when folks say he’s not good for young guys, for development. And while I respect the view that we are decimated by injuries, and have a non-NBA bench, this is in part why. Yes, the talent eval might be poor, but playing an 8-9 man rotation from game 1, and not seeing any guys up to be able to fill in gaps is a huge aspect as well. I’d argue is a larger component than injuries alone as injuries are inevitable.


I didn’t watch the game last night. I saw the report of who was active and decided to take a game or so off until the new guys can play.

I saw the highlight on ESPN of thanasis antetokounmpo pulling the “Shammgod” crossover move on Thor in the 4th. I used quotes because I don’t really think that was a great example of that move, but whatever it was in the same ballpark I guess.

Is Thanasis the most important/powerful player in the league? I feel like he’s “Bronny lite” in terms of importance. Bronny has not played good basketball at USC and is going to be drafted WAY too high just because of Lebron. The only reason thanasis is on the team is to appease Giannis.

I know i would be a poor GM because as soon as i saw thanasis use that ugly excuse for a shammgod and score on Jt thor i would have cut thor as soon as the game was over. Thats how absurd it looked.

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Okay, thank you. I totally agree. I was like, for real?

That move was no shammgod cross. I see the shammgod crossover as an inside outside dribble crossover that is oversold with the body for misdirection.

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In all honesty, I was hoping this thread would receive no replies after the chat post, and we could all just sort of forget it happened.

Probably way too much hope going into viewing what was likely going to be a disaster from the start.