Game 54: Hawks at Hornets

If you are going to keep posting trash takes, have some brass and leave them out there. I think your general take that Micic isn’t good is a laughably inaccurate one so maybe just skip that part next time

Originally sent in Game 54: Hawks at Hornets

Tre Mann jump stop. 1st jump stop I have seen in the NBA in 5 years

Sedique bey just manhandled richards

Fine I will talk to myself.


I got on just now, so you're not alone


Is mann the pg of the future and melo is the sg?


May be


Thanks. Goose. Or mav. I defer to you

Mann is much better at the floor general and pace thing than melo


Gosh you are becoming a Lamelo hater

Thats a hot take no doubt


I'll admit, I thought Mann was more of a 2 guard, but seeing his playmaking these past 3 games so far I'm changing that opinion

though, it's still way to soon to judge him


I like Mann but damn I think he is not better than Lamelo at being a floor general but he has had a fantastic start with us


No secret melo is not my cup of tea but that wasn't hate. He may be a better sg. Keeps him from having to set the table and manage the dinner guests



These shots


Also Lamelo is one of the best pace pushers in the league in the last 25 years


I really like Miller's game


That's my point. That's all he does. Pace is so over emphasized today.

Love Miller


Also Lamelo is one of the best pace pushers in the league in the last 25 years


I could see them playing together without definite positions


Richards hasn't had a box out yet tonight


Richards is a 3rd string center, imo


Lamelo is a Pass first PG that also happens to be a dang good scorer


I disagree on that. He has no concept of game management. None.


He was forced to be our main scorer the last couple of seasons but now that we have depth it will shift a lil bit

And I disagree with you there no doubt


Don't get me wrong, he has talent. Just not there


He's a magician, no doubt. But his decision making in the half court can actually stall our momentum.


Miller is learning to not foul. Good sign over the last two games


Grant and Vasa pick and roll is working so well


If Lamelo was as bad as you suggest Chef I would definitely want to get rid of him. But he is a bit better than you give him credit for

Vasa just got hurt not sure if it was knee to knee or what


Banged knees. He's good


Looks like it was just knee to knee, shouldn't be anything serious


I don't think he's bad at basketball. I just don't think he is a great point guard. He'd be lethal as a sg with a well rounded point setting the table

Think James harden with cp3


Regardless of take on Melo, Mann looks like he gives us a quick, under control guard that can run a half court offense, which is where I feel like we've struggled the most in the last several years.

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Tre was the one I was most excited about after the trades but he looks way more developed than I imagined

he actually this good or just riding a wave


Having the YMCA sponsor the hawks jerseys is high irony considering how they play


OKC dudes loved him. Dame has a video giving him high praise. I think dude is legit.

He was just odd man out on a team with great guards and an MVP candidate at his position.

Micic with the step!


I really like Tre Mann you guys.


looking like the real deal

What’s his contact sitch?


$4,908,373 $4,908,373 $6,964,982

Third year QO

+1 1
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Trae Young gets such easy foul calls, if Lamelo could get those, he’d have at least +8 pts a game


Not to keep harping but replace curry with lamelo doing the same role. Melo is free to do his thing without the responsibility of being the mystro.


If Vasa got those, he might have 8 more tonight.


Jalen Johnson is legit


If you have .3 left on the clock, Bertans is the guy to get the shot off.

Peacing out for a bit. Happy V Day, HP crew!

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Is this team good? Question must be asked


They are competent. And that is wayyy better than this time last week

Why take miller out? Come on Clifford

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Thats the rotation he will be back at 3:30 mark


I guess. Just seems dumb after he drained the long jumper.


Cliff can't adjust rotations its the same exact thing nightly


Clockwork gobob. Good call


Hey thats not a good call by me thats just Steve Clifford lol

He does the same thing in the 4th which is frustrating

Evidently Miller got fouled there but I didn't have a good angle on it. It was uncalled


That jumpshot Miller made while getting fouled, was a superstar shot.


That was bonkers


I like how we are featuring him as our primary scorer tonight. That is his role now and the new guys are getting him the rock

I was worried with his shot attempts the first couple games with this new cast, 9 and 8. Tonight he already has 12 so they are making a conscious effort to get it to him


What’s weird in watching these new games…there is no drop off when we go to the bench. Before it was hope we start well then survive. Now we can get buckets and play good d with just about any group

I almost expect to win this game, rather than hoping we dont f up at some point. Which has never been the case in Mecklenburg County


Tre Mann has a nice motor


Yeah, he's all motor


Miller is going to be an offensive monster


Mann already has more rebounds in 3 games than PJ had all year. Or so I heard


That midrange makes him so lethal


Mann is going to be our starting SG of the future. Thanks OKC!


He has the game to lead the league in scoring


He really does and he oozes potential

He is not too bad of a defender as well


That step back. OMG


Tre Young is good. Crazy he wasn’t getting minutes in OKC. He’s seems like he could be a stud for us.


Mann. But we get you

Tre is doubling Young in points at the moment


Could Hugo be the 3&D guy (mascot) we have been looking for? That half court shot was lethal

joy 1

Jalen Johnson. What could have been


So if I'm hearing you all correct…

Brandon Miller = good.

Tre Mann = also good.

joy 1
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Someone will have to explain to me someday why EC is so obsessed with number of dunks per player


Brandon Miller is on the verge. Charlotte has never had a player with his potential


Melo does, you’re just not a fan of his style. He averaged over 27, 8, and 5 on 42% from 3 for the whole month of November

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Mann o mann




Alright, that's it, Mann is the starting pg.


Starting SG next to Lamelo post All Star

But knowing Cliff he will start Cody

Originally sent in Game 54: Hawks at Hornets

I think he should start at pg doing exactly what he is doing tonight but feeding and setting up melo instead of curry or cody. Melo would absolutely feast off that


I think he could start at SG and do the same thing


We've seen Melo and Terry coexist, with Terry making the start of the play. Could do the same thing with Mann instead.


Is melo coming back after all star? I was under the impression he was about done


He has been warming up pregsme for 4 games in a row so it seems like that is the plan


And Mann looks like a much better play maker.


Much much better dnb.


The Vasa Difference


Either way we look at it, looks like they could be a modern backcourt of the future, with Miller being the lethal scorer


Way I'm seeing it.


I also hope Mark comes back for the last month so we can see what we have when healthy with this group

If we are going to be in games we might as well play Lamelo


You know what else is nice about the trade… Veterans speaking up to refs… Controlling on the court. Curry and Williams just turned a possession. And if they dont turn it, the refs are at least aware of Charlotte

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One for the good guys!

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Good gracious we are so much more competent

Miller drawing fouls is really bonus

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He has had an easy 26 tonight. Career high for 3 quarters

+1 1

So damned competent


Curry not really too concerned about passing.


I know you guys are annoyed with my melo opinion. Good thing trey young isn't a hornet. You all would have me on ignore

joy 1

Yeah but Lamelo is better than Trae Young most of the time haha

Young seems to have really stinky games against us especially in Charlotte


Fight. Tenacity. Diving for loose balls. Is this what basketball is like?

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Same style. As qc said I am super picky and critical of pgs


I am loving the Grant Williams experience so far


Lets get Miller 40

Lets get Miller 40


He's like a sane Draymond

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A 50% more sane draymond!

laughing 2

Also if we play like this the rest of the season we are definitely going above .500 lol

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Im having a good time

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Not too keep gushing about the trade, but just a little thing like Williams getting it on the 3 line, lining up, seeing it's not there and immediately passing to the open guy is something I'm loving. No hesitation. Keep it moving.


Lets hope the league rewards us again for not tanking


Rather enjoy good basketball the rest of the season than to draft a Bouknight with a top pick


So nobody misses PJ "don't care" Washington?

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The opposing defense does


I like pj, still. I just dig the fit of grant better here


im stoked to have made the swap


I like PJ a lot.

Also, Peace, PJ.


But seriously, how can Seth, Mann, Micic, and Williams turn us from the worst defense in the league to the 2000 Ravens defense

rofl 5

pj: good for a few big games here and there when he hits 3s, but most games he’s sort of invisible


They care. They are smart. They know where to be.


Miller with the chase down 2k


And Micic and mann are not known for their defense either which is hilarious


Only knock on Miller tonight is 5 turnovers


It's a testament to just how bad the roster was. Mitch has ducked that criticism for awhile.


Which I think is a season high


Can you imagine this team as it is with a competent center right now?

+1 1

I think it's more not giving up fast breaks, playing active, getting rebounds than purely making defensive stops.


I love Micic. he’s such a smart savvy player. Big BBIQ

and I love what he’s able to do without having to be uber athletic.

+1 1



Mann oh Mann


Good Day watch for Mann: 20-8-6


My daughter just now "dad, when you were in school did you have the "no Internet dinosaur game?"

Me: when I was in school we had no Internet period.

What?! How did they teach you without the internet? What did you do?


"We drew sweet looking "S"s.


We went to the library to learn the Dewey decimal system and how to get information from microfiche in the reader

Imagine another era in Hornets basketball that on a scoring drought, we are able to check Bertans into the game as a third option

+1 4

I have fond memories of the Ish, Bryce, Frank, Thor, and Richards lineup of (my) death


Bertans: defensive closer!!


Will we lose another game?

I’m mad we didn’t have this lineup all year.

It’s so fun.


For some fun, please check out the game thread


The hornets have controlled this game from the start. It's a new feeling for us

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God I love Micic


Was just thinking how nice it is to have a guy keep things under control with a lead heading towards the finish line.


We watching the UConn game after? Gotta watch our future back up Center and Power Foward in Clingan and Karaban :woozy_face::woozy_face:

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Alright grant. That’s a heat check moment baby


Maestro powell


Please lol, the game thread


I was 20 feet from the floor on Monday when Micic closed out the game on that head fake layup late in the 4th. So good


Vasa killing it

+1 2

Oh. Lawd.


PG our strongest position now. HOW!!???


Too bad he deleted the first one. I'm dying here


What’s that?


Something like Micic sucks and he needs to ride the bench because he cost us the game



I’m getting a Micic jersey. I mean, a $25 hornets jersey. But still.


What a change are these last 3 games!


Deadly swarm making bad predictions on the game thread


He's off the opinion Vasa sucks.

No lol, Deadly


Oh haha. I’m far too high on Micic than most. He’s Serbian Steve nash lite haha


Micic is Serbian Jason Kidd


Okay, I’m with you there


Dallas version

Second version


He reminds me of a 90's pg. He's like Bob sura type

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He's great. I can't put my finger on who he reminds me of exactly. He seems like a fusion of several but entirely unique.


Have you watched YouTube compilations of Micic in Europe? It’s sick


Mark Price comes to mind


of course Hunter wasn’t moving his feet. I lol’d when they challenged that


Maybe Scott Skiles a bit?


But not the shooter of price


I almost wrote that coach. I was going to go ron Harper ish

Originally sent in Game 54: Hawks at Hornets

Trying not to go all white guys haha. I am all about the cross race comps

laughing 2

Andre Miller maybe then? But a better shooter


He's wider built than Harp, no?


Was wondering when that run was going to be broken.

We are up by 22 points.



damn I wish went to the game again


There was also one more taller PG from Serbia in the NBA, called Marko Jaric

Though, people remember mostly because of his marriage to Adriana Lima

+1 2

Miller cracking me up


Ooooh I like andre miller.


lol miles


And the pass to Cliff to top it off




Atlanta limping off court with head down.


And the pass to the ghost of purple shirt guy next


They are defeated in here . Hawks are dead


Lol so funny for trae. His “all star snub”, and he sulks off the floor for 12 points right before the all star break hahaha

i love shutting that guy down


I am so not a trey fan


Another let's go Hornets chant tonight. First double digit win!


It was surreal on Monday night.


Double freaking digits win!


I legit don't think he makes a 90's roster


Let's go Hornets!


Cliff looks so happy




It's not just that we win, it's that we play good basketball

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Miller ecstatic. That's why they can't lose on purpose go Bob's

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Man I posted that picture of cliff smiling post game Monday night. I straight up lol’d when I saw Cliff grinning


Martin and Seth getting too many minutes in my opinion

Seth being the only one with negative +/-

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Brandon mentioning the Let's Go Hornets chant


You won’t find any disagreement from me about Cody Martin


I wouldn't mind him playing around 20-ish minutes, and NOT being the PG


Seth had very quality minutes. +/- is more when both miles and miller were off too.


I'm really not a fan of his defense :smiley:


I don't see Seth hurting us out there. He knows what to do on the court, even if he was pressing a bit initially

It’s really incredible the difference in intelligence on the court and in turn the energy (or vice/versa). I’m pretty blown away the night and day change this mix of new guys have brought. Hope they’re able to continue to gel and grow together.

One thing I did notice even though we did great against the Hawks, I was kind of jealous the size and athleticism they have at the SG and Forward spots. Murray, Hunter and Jonhson particularly. We could look for adding that at some point down the road I think.

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My second post was deleted by mistake. I can’t watch games at this time so I am relegated to a screen with updates. Based on that it appeared VM was struggling. It is too soon to make an accurate judgement call on him. My knee jerk reactions to any kind of adversity is because I have been conditioned to do so. Usually it is our team that chokes some time in the second half of basketball games. Glad it wasn’t us. None the less we are on a three game winning streak after all the trades so it looks good up to this point. I won’t get my hopes up too high just yet but so far so good!

Clifford mentioned Cody’s defense. Cody and Miles were each a +33 tonight.

Ah man Jalen Johnson is fantastic. I really like his game.

Micic is such a crafty veteran. I know I won’t shut up about it, but that look off/head fake thing he does while driving is nasty. It’s like a QB using his eyes to bait the safety into helping in coverage, but they going to the WR on the other side of the field. It just freezes the help coverage. You don’t need to be an inside athlete to do stuff like that. Just smart.

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Cody and GW has set a tone on defense that spreads . We are way more physical and our guys are buying in. Miles and Miller both has shown more effort on that end.

I hate I wasn’t able to watch this one live. That game thread would’ve been fun to be a part of. It’s funny because as I was watching I was also trying to figure out who Micic reminded me of. I think Sharpshooter nailed it with the Andre Miller comp. I love how under control he is. Court vision is off the charts and though he’s not lightening fast, he’s quicker than you think.

I’m blown away by Mann though. This kid is a legit starting PG. He can shoot it, finish at the rim, sees the floor, can sky for boards and is always under control. He’s a trip dub threat every night. I’m starting to come around to Chef’s view that Lamelo may be better off the ball. I promise I’m not hating on Lamelo GoBobcats, but I just love how our offense flows with Mann/Micic at the helm versus Lamelo. I do have to say I’m a little concerned about the fit between Lamelo and the new guards given how ball dominant Lamelo is. The beauty of the new roster is that we are sharing the ball and no one guy needs to go off for 35. The ball can tend to stop with Lamelo at times so I’m curious to see how his re-entry into the lineup impacts the synergy these guys seem to be developing with one another.

Other thoughts…watching Grant Williams is a testament to how important fit is. He didn’t fit in Dal. But he fit in Bos and he definitely fits here. His combination of energy, toughness and shooting ability is exactly what we need and is a better fit, even though I would argue that PJ is overall, a more talented player.

Richards gets a hard time on most of these game threads but to me he’s been very solid. He’s not elite on the defensive end for sure, but dude is posting a near double double most nights, he protects the rim and makes his FTs. We could do WAY worse for a back up C. He’s one of the better values in the league at his salary.

Cody seems to be finding his footing. He seems more bouncy these past several games. Don’t know if he’s finally getting back to 100% or maybe it’s just the energy the new guys have brought. But I do think with more talented guys around him, he can just relax and be the jack of all trades energy guy, which he excels at. When he feels like he’s got to do too much he’s not nearly as effective. But he’s definitely not a PG so Clifford needs to stop with that.

This is fun!


The other edge to that sword is he didn’t have many NBA calibre players to pass the ball too. I think he’ll fit right in and enjoy himself. Look at Miles. He’s passing the ball because there are viable shooter who have found space to pass to. He’s driving the ball because of the space created. I know where yuu’re coming from, but I’ll very surprised and disappointed if LaMelo plays too much iso/hero ball.

Had much the same thought. I like Cody, and it’s great to see him settle back into his role. I really hope his injury is behind him.


Didn’t get to watch the game , but watch full game highlights. So fun!

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I actually think Melo will fit right back in. That’s the good news to me, but the bad news is that it’ll mean less playing time for Mann and Micic. I’ve enjoyed watching both mann and Micic so far.

Melo, mann, Micic
Martin, Curry

That’s a fairly crowded room. I’m wondering if the addition of mann and Micic means that they’re not rushing Melo back at all.

Edit: also I’m doubting that Mark Williams is back anytime soon. I’m seeing Cliff go with the “five out” lineup more often. Hence, that group of 5 guards will see more time with smaller lineups being played.


I do think the Serbian Second Stint Jason Kidd comp for Micic works. Similar size and build, Kidd definitely lost a step, but became a really good shooter, had to learn to work around the limitations of his athleticism with a sharp mind and great fundamentals. Here’s highlights of SSJK that last year.

I’m actually not worried about Melo fitting in. Teamwork, energy, camaraderie, sharing, selflessness - these are contagious. As someone mentioned, Miles and Miller aren’t forcing it anymore like they were the last few weeks of the Old Hornets Guard. Even Cody has calmed down his inner Kobe.

I know it was ages ago, but remember rookie and 2nd year Melo, the incredible passes he was making. Everyone was shocked, compared his passing to a Magic or Kidd like flare, incredible vision for a teenager. And these were the years there was a free flowing offense and general good enough health to make the play-in.

His usage rate is definitely way too high now, maybe it was part necessity to scrape out any chance of getting a win, part trying to earn a max contract, and part everyone else jacking up shots when they touch it, I need to get mine.

But he always emphasized winning whenever he’s interviewed, was always excited with Ashley after the games when we won.

I do think being able to watch this new cultural change, seeing how well the ball movement works, I bet he’s itching to get out there. He can see the team can win without him having to carry as much a load, and he does have a good basketball IQ, just gets a little myopic at times, but playing with other high IQ guys does bring out the best in good players.

I don’t agree with moving him completely off the ball. I think a hybrid of Melo and Mann, or Melo and Micic both being able to bring the ball and set up the offense makes us more versatile rather than pigeonholing players into roles, making it harder to scout and game plan against.

He’s really good off the ball being able to catch and shoot, but he’s also great with the ball in his hands and creating looks. I think the synergy with the new backcourt will look so much better than the days of sharing with Terry and Oubre.


Couldn’t have said it better myself and especially what’s quoted.

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You took the words out of my mouth. I was thinking earlier about how infectious Melo’s passing and unselfishness was on the team early on. You had everyone starting to look for one another and good passing, ball movement. That was the year we ranked very high on assists per game.

And I’m right there with you on when Melo’s usage was very high. I think he was frustrated from being injured and then losing on top of that. I don’t believe that is truly his game.

The Dallas Kidd year is a fantastic comp for Micic. I really think Micic can be a great veteran leader to help Melo refine his game, and I’d like to see Micic continue the passing style when Melo is out of the game. I’m torn, because I really like Mann as well, but the passing and play style of Micic is so fun to watch.


Totally agree. Micic is a pure PG, Mann a genuine combo. The thing I’m realty looking forward to is seeing 48 minutes of elite passing from LaMelo & Micic. With their vision and passing ability, others are encouraged to work that little bit harder to find space and get open because they know LaMelo or Micic can find them.

This is what I was getting at when I said think harden and cp3 on the rockets where melo is harden and Mann is cp3