Game 39: Spurs now in Charlotte

Happy victory Friday! I think it’s this week - its been awhile, so I think we’re due for our bi-weekly victory.

Our chances improved since Pop feels this is the perfect game to rest Wemby. Always an honor when a high lottery team feels they can rest against you.

Getting a glimpse in person of one of the generational talents is one of the few things the home crowd had to look forward to, I guess that had to be taken away. But hey, we can still play the “How many 3s do we give up this game” game. I’m going with 18.

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Pop is clearly playing for the lottery championship.

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Imagine the length if they get Sarr.

I have 2 tickets for tonight if anyone is interested.

Miller back tonight. Which of course means someone has to go.

Nick Richards is the new injured list assignee.

Why haven’t we signed Biz yet? Matter of time before PJ gets hurt again, and we have Thor at center.

Good news on 24. Richards downgraded to out.

Thank goodness whatshisname didn’t play tonight! We got a WIN!

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I was surprised at how strong the crowd was, I actually went in person tonight. Even though we didn’t really get into it until the last 30 seconds lol.

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Originally sent in Game 39: Spurs at Hornets

Now this is how you start a game


Lamelo has a leg issue


Maybe his hip? Hopefully he can shake it off


Nice crowd

Miller just has that fight in him. Love it.


Yeah he does

That was some impressive dribbling by Terry getting to the basket


Would love to see Brandon have a takeover game

even though I don’t really care about stuff like rookie rankings, I find it really dumb that they dropped him off the rankings

Melo okay?


What a sequence


James Plowright




LaMelo Ball appears to reach back to his hip/glute/hamstring after making a layup, he’s still in the game but was moving a little slower for the two following possessions.

Plow on X


Man miles defensively is so, so bad


Melo great end to the quarter


He’s horrible

I don’t know how it’s possible for someone to be that unaware


… and probably get like 25 per next year. What a game!


hes so late in rotations, he barely knows what’s going on until the ball is practically in the rim


Do they call it a rotation when you don't move?


Eric Collins is hilarious

Thor is like a very very poor mans MKG


Lamelo is hurting, looks like left ankle but he's staying in

Its legal to trip him though in the open court evidently


Nic Richards playing?


Wemby's face on that made 3 was priceless


No Richards

24 had a great 1st half 15 on 5/7 with 7 boards


The Dutch camera angles on this dude is really anxiety fuel


3 bench points lol


Can't expect much, when even the broadcast team is on the injury list

First EC, now Ash out


If it's flu, that strain in charlotte is virulent as hell


"stomach bug" could be flu


Brandon, don't hurt 'em!


Lamelo skipping a lot

We have Ish yet to play, maybe Lamelo should sit out


Have we hit a buzzer beater at every quarter


Damn I love me some Lamelo Ball!

i think so!

Lamelo is 8/10


We actually look like an NBA tonight.


It's sad it takes playing a team of this quality to do so.

And despite no Wemby, we still can't put them away

100 1



Ball looks really gimpy to me


Lamelo definitely playing hurtish


We don’t respond well to aggressive play


I know we want to win once in a while, but is it worth pushing Lamelo back to injury?


Nope. We probably should be thinking lottery position


Good Lord Cliff challenge that immediately

100 2

Cody the Airbender?

Committing the foul by airbending?


They will not overturn this


Still a good challenge


If we lose this game, both Mitch and Cliff should resign tonite


Should worry all of us that we can't put these guys away, at home, after they crushed us by 36, and they aren't playing their all globe star

100 1

Until melo subbed back in only 2 maybe 3 guys were touching it on offense


We should trade Bridges to Pistons or something if we can, for picks

100 1

Sign and trade


Yessir. He is just ruining team chemistry this season with his selfish plays

Btw, this Lamelo kid is pretty good

laughing 1


Man the entertainment value for team goes up 100 % once Melo got back

100 3

I don’t care that this is the Spurs without Wemby. Any win is a big win for us right now. I hope we can pull this out!

+1 2

Bad Win, but a win nevertheless


I don’t even care. We usually lose this game. I’m so happy to win a game………. (If we win) haha


That’s our stud rookie right there

racehorse 3

I loved "It's Miller Time!" tonight. Put him on your top rookies list ESPN


I just hope this Org can get their shit in order, so we can see Melo, Miller, Mark trio next year. It will be fun

+1 3

Until they all get hurt and then we’ll say “next year” again, :frowning:

I was waiting for us to foul them on a 3. lol Good win!

disappointed_relieved 1

I won't watch us lose by 40 tomorrow. No centers VS MVP Embiid, no chance

Me I want to see Miller back the game up he had tonight. I hope he is taking things to the next level.
Screw ESPN Millers game tonight makes you guys look stupid.

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Oh good, we got our monthly win! Glad to see the boys get one, and B-Mill having a good game.

That was a decent crowd for how much we kept trying to give the game to the Spurs

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Lamelo Ball guys. LAMELO BALLLLL. He is the key to us winning. We HAVE to build a team around him. The guy is a superstar in this league and the best player to ever play for this franchise AND the previous franchise.

Imagine where this team would be if we hadn’t have jumoed from 9 to 3 in 2020


2 wins out of the 3 games I’ve gone to this year. I guess it’s my fault we don’t have a winning record, I should go to more.

Was a nice crowd, probably all the suckers (including me) who bought tickets hoping to see a very tall, slender fellow in black and white play a game.

But seeing a win, no matter the circumstances (except when you’re trying to tank for Chris Paul instead of Felton and May) is always welcome.

I like how the Spurs played aggressive defense. Always had someone on the ball even in the back court. Not that it always leads to turnovers, it just sets a more aggressive tone.

It was kinda weird watching our team play like they had more talent (for once), but that they knew they had more talent and could turn it up when needed. Like, they could’ve put the Spurs away on several occasions, but let up on d to let them right back in it. Ending the third up 12 with momentum, to allow them to cut it to 1 within 3 minutes is that lack of attention, lack of aggression that is the defining characteristic of this team.

Granted, we were short handed on the inside, and they did play hard, I guess I’m trying to define that line of the difference of players and teams really going after it, rather than just doing enough just to stay ahead. That could’ve bit us in the ass tonight, and would easily set us up on pace to lose 29 out of 30 games with our schedule ahead.