Our Last Home Playoff Game

I’ve never watched the broadcast. Found this, the energy in the arena is insane. Please let us get this back soon

I can’t re-watch this game it hurts. Energy was amazing, whole city was pumped. We had that game won, me and my brother were sitting in the stands pinching ourselves that we were actually about to win a series and then Wade hit his first 2 3s since December…

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I was one of the last people to leave that night. Game 6 2001 2nd round hurt worse though. I’ll see if I can find that one too.

I just looked it up and between the game 7 in 2016 and the 2 play in games in 21 & 22, we lost by a combined 89 pts in out last 3 “playoff” games. Lol.

Once we have consistent wins in this city, people will flock back to the Hive.

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Locked On Hornets did a breakdown of the 2001 series. Crushing smh