Panthers Off Season 24?

Given how terrible last season was, how are things this off season?

I’d give this offseason a B grade, I think the team generally improved with the moves made and put Bryce in a better position to succeed

Brian Burns was the big shoe to drop. I liked the idea of having a “star” edge rusher as a building block, but he was asking for $30M per year, and he had nowhere near the impact of a player that caliber.

So clearing that gave us a huge boost to the offensive line, which we desperately needed. Great trade to get a lead WR for a guy we were about to cut anyway. Added some nice defensive pieces at DT, LB, and the secondary.

I’m cautiously optimistic in the sense that I realize this team is located in Charlotte. I thought the coaching hires last year looked promising, but boy was that a wreck. I think free agency set us up nicely to go for the best players in this draft. Hoping for a WR and edge rusher. Would like a great tight end, but looks like this draft isn’t deep there.

B ish sounds good grade, nailing the draft could raise it more. But also would not be surprised if everything blew up in our faces again.

I don’t really keep up with football much, but seems good we have some legit o-line guys now.

Probably goes without saying, but hate it for Young and the organization that he was put in the position he was in to be successful (or unsuccessful) after doing such a crazy trade to get him.

Hoping we get a reasonably priced Clowney. That dude’s still a favorite of mine even with his issues.

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Are the Panthers participants in the same draft as the rest of the NFL? It seems they are giving away way more value in draft picks than they are getting in these trades. And trading up from 33 to 32? Why? There are like 1700 draftees to pick from. I’m not really into football stuff but this whole thing looks really weird.

They picked up a second rounder for next year which is pretty huge, since they gave theirs away to Chicago in last years trade.

I can’t pretend to know any of these names, I’m only familiar with what the radio and podcasters mention. But we got a super country athletic beast at receiver, and the best running back in the draft. And the linebacker we got is really fast, especially for his size.

Could be great or could be a disaster. But hope they don’t bust like last years class.

I don’t pay attention to football, but apparently this could have been a real boom or bust draft primarily focused on how Brooks and to a lesser extent Sanders pan out. Does that seem to be the consensus? After hearing more about it, trade up for Leggette could have been real smart with the contract situation. Getting the 2nd for next year sounds legit.

They were going to fill all of the holes this year, but it sounds like so far they’ve starting fixing O line and added some offensive weapons, which seemed desperately needed in the little I paid attention.

What did you think of the draft and what do you want to see happen the most in free agency before this off season?

What’s the contract situation?

1st rounder has one more year on the contract, which means he’s negotiating the year after Young, assuming they both pan out. If they drafted him in the second, they’re negotiating the same year. So, it sounds like that was very intentional and not just a paying to get your guy pick swap.

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Ah that’s cool. I want aware of that. Seems wise