Random ex-Hornets facts

This quote from another thread sent me down the rabbit hole of finding out whatever happened with MKG.

He never played again after he was bought out by us and ended up on Dallas. Not even overseas or in any minor league.

Here’s a really interesting older article, it seems he still lives in Charlotte with his wife, and started a foundation to help people with stutters get expensive speech therapy to actually be covered by insurance companies. Has a lot of insight of what he went through, the mental aspect of his life and career. I did like this quote at the end:

How would he describe Michael Kidd-Gilchrist as an NBA player? Is there a way to sum up what his place in the league was?

“From my career, as a whole?”


“Damn, that’s a tough one.”

He paused for a bit, not blocked in his speech, just thinking through how it all added up. Maybe that was an unfair question, maybe the question should be …

Kidd-Gilchrist interrupted that thought.

“If you never quit,” he said, “you never fail.”

Someone did make a case for him to be signed last December as a switchable, role playing defender, but his offensive limitations may be too much for a team to invest in:

Here’s his foundation site. Not surprising he’s continued to be a great guy off the court as he always was here:

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