Hornets Summer League

I hope I’m wrong. And everyone can give me loads of shit. We’ll have to go to a game so that you can give me shit the entire time.

This Smith Jr kid is going to be a steal. Miller is looking good also.

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Bouknight is looking deflated on the bench. Think he knows his spot has been taken :thinking:

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Oh don’t worry i hav a spreadsheet going. Looking forward to it! :sunglasses:

You’re not all wrong… Smith Jr looks good. He just won’t ever sniff what Miller will do.

Smith has that thing though… glad we drafted him

Smith reminds me of Quickley but with less passing.

Honestly I like it a lot and we need it.

And Miller has me way too excited. I told y’all a better shooting Tatum is his ceiling, I have convinced myself of it at least LOL

I’m just going to ruminate on the idea of getting Nick in the gym extensively with Byer and Kreutzer to work on his outside shot and let him have a development year. That guy with an outside shot, and figuring out how to use leverage to finish at the rim with contact, could be insane upside.


@BrandonMiller this was a damn good prognostication. Kudos.


He let us all know in the chat. Lol


NSJ > Bouk

Just finished the game… that was so much fun to watch. Really feeling great about Miller and Smith Jr. I liked what I saw out of Kai as well.

As for "It's Miller Time!" not being athletic… that theory is wrong. The guy definitely showed a lot of athleticism tonight.

If Miles says don’t panic, we shouldn’t panic

Just finished also. It was great to see "It's Miller Time!" look more comfortable and show some of the athleticism I knew he had. I wasn’t concerned at all about the summer league struggles but it’s gotta be good for his confidence to finally have a good performance.

I still contend he can play some 2. He did play some PG in high school and if you listen to Ashley’s interview with Nate Oats it sounded like he expects Miller to play some 2.

Smith Jr was really exciting to watch tonight. Tons of potential there. He’s already leapfrogged Bouk and I can’t wait to see how he develops. Definite steal at 27.


Nice to see some good performances out there.

NSJ looks good, and I think will flourish once things slow down a touch and his peripheral vision develops. Certainly, there’s a player there worth developing. It would be great if one of he or Bailey could effectively play the point for the Swarm, otherwise we’re looking at a glut of young shooting guards fighting for the same minutes.

Kai’s athleticism still flashes, and tantalizes, but a lot of his fundamental stuff is still non-existent. He still can’t set a screen. It’s almost as though he doesn’t understand what a good screen can do for the ball handler.

Miller showed a lot of what he’s good at, which was great to see. Gain some burst, gain some strength, and the game will be much easier for him. No doubt he’ll be a good NBA player, it’s just a question of how good.

LOL sorry fellas just got excited seeing my guy ball out and getting the points and FG exactly right was the cherry on top :sweat_smile:

As President and CEO I’m taking applications from others to join The NSJr Fan Club.


Good performance by Miller and NSJ. The rest, meh. We’ve got until 10/31 to pick up the options for 24-25 on Bouknight and Kai. We probably will on Kai, but Bouknight, I just don’t see improvement. He should at least be where NSJ is. I think it’s time to cut bait.

I’d be happy to let both go.

Bouknight should 100% be gone. Bryce is way ahead, NSJ looks better already, I think Bailey does too … low bar to clear, I know. It’s arguably harmful having Bouknight on the roster this season, as I do not want him eating a single minute from the above three guys, either with the Hornets or the Swarm.

Kai’s spot will be taken by Nnaji next season. Frankly, Richards will probably have a battle on his hands to keep his spot in the rotation vs Nnaji with another year of development overseas.

Didn’t watch the game but watched the YouTube highlights of Nick and miller. I really notice nsj size. He is going to be trouble if he fills in.

One thing I noticed on the highlights was no dribble handoffs and decent purposeful passing. Amazing what happens when you play actual basketball.

Oh and miller has the ingredients to be a really really good offensive player. I don’t think it’s ridiculous to hold tmac type offensive player in the projections. Not saying it’s likely but it’s possible.

put wrist bands on him and 15-20lbs of muscle and see if you can see him in a #41 Hornets jersey in 3-4 years.