In season tournament

It sounds like a new tournament in the middle of the season is being introduced. It might be fun to bring a little mid season excitement.

As a massive European soccer fan I absolutely love it. These tournaments oftentimes help bring big moments to smaller clubs (like the Hornets) lol

I could never really understand all the negative sentiment about it when the idea was first kicked around.

As people, me included, our tendency is to dislike things that are new or different-even if they’re good.

Could be kinda cool.

I guess I don’t love it or hate it. The playoffs and winning a title is such the grand prize that anything else will pale by comparison so I think it’s going to be hard to generate real excitement around it. I feel like it could end up being kind of meh, like all-star weekend. I think they’ll likely have to figure out how to incentivize players and teams to care about it. For guys making tens of millions of dollars, I don’t see them getting excited about $500k. The idea they floated around awarding the champion with an additional draft pick could work though. I’m glad it’s not adding any extra games except for the two finalists, but the first time a guy gets hurt playing in a game that doesn’t count it’s probably game over.

Hornets make the Semis and I’m in Vegas! They win and I’m acting a fool on Trade and Tryon!

Maybe the in season tournament is a trial run to potentially replace the all star game. It’s become a joke lately.

The only problem I have with the mid season tournament would be, would it put less value in the actual championship? I do love the idea though.

I think it could be fun to give us another chance to root for the miracle. Some of the main contenders will save their players for the real playoffs. So if we take it seriously and they don’t we could do pretty good.

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I don’t see how it would take away from postseason play, just adds some incentive to the early grind of regular season. When you think about it, there are 3 segments of the NBA regular season, start to Christmas, after Christmas to All Star, and Post All star to playoffs.

Now they can have a goal to fight towards in all 3 segments

I’d be playing my end of bench guys. “You want that half-mil? Go get it.”

They are regular season games for all but the championship game


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500,000 not insignificant for players for couple games…especally minimum make that 250. Get paid back and more for naming the A&T Draft Express Fall Showcase Tournament or whatever.
Maybe the same teams always win still win, but some chance the leagues bottoms.

Interested and championship game should be a fun watch…until the first player tears acl/other and misses rest of season. Then just turns into a g-league type showcase as teams manage top players hangnails & tummy aches.

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Drawings based on last season regular season record, soccer like apparently & top 2 advance
East Group B

Well that’s the group of death for us

Hopefully they’ll match us up with the Wizards first game.

The court designs make it unwatchable. Whoever approved those might want to look for a new job. Hideous.


Disagree on that. I think they are intended to be a set off and for me it works

I’m in the middle of the both of you about the court design. I think they could’ve dialed it back a notch or two.

I turned on the Mavs game and immediately noticed it as off putting. I didn’t like it at all. Made it very difficult to watch. Definitely filed it under trying too hard to make a big deal.

ESPN of course really made it completely unwatchable. I am actually glad the hornets aren’t on national broadcast all the time.

Randomly turned back to halftime debacle with Kendrick Perkins and two women. It was shockingly bad. They were trying to sell the tournament the whole time as if it was on orders from above. It’s still Nov basketball.