2023 Free Agency and Off-Season Action

If Boston says they’ll match, then we’d have to negotiate with them to acquire Grant. Presumably, they would want some kind of draft pick.

If we make an offer they won’t match, then we’d just sign him outright.

I’m assuming part of the delay is not only all parties evaluating the landscape, but also the teams communicating on scenarios.

I can’t see Mitch giving up a 1st. I just don’t.

Wouldn’t be optimal though if we lose PJ for nothing and then have to give up assets to replace him from somewhere else.

Hopefully he’s part of any S&T package.

Hurts when you’re dealing with a guy who apparently wants out.

Saying that I can’t imagine the Hornets letting him go without a S&T. Otherwise you just match regardless of what the player wants. Trade him later.

Only the Spurs (I think) have enough cap room to give him an offer we might not want to match.

I wish I knew what kind of deal we offered PJ and that we have actually offered something. It just seems like we are just sitting on our hands… and I can see how that could make someone want to leave. PJ has done everything he was asked to do. If we have to give up assets to find a replacement for him, that just seems silly

I just have a feeling PJ is more likely to be back than not.

The only reason Dallas is on there is because it’s his hometown where he grew up, unfollowing a team has been standard for free agents for many years now, even if they came back.

Dallas also doesn’t have enough to sign him, and nothing good to offer in a sign and trade.

I’m sure PJ’s just letting his agent do all the work and enjoying his life until he gets to sign something. He obviously likes his teammates, coaches, city, just wants to get paid his worth.

Agents of course want to maximize value, they see Cam and Kuzma getting $27M and $25.5, Bruce Brown even getting $22.5M, Brooks getting $20M, good arguments to be in the $20+M range. Hornets of course hoping to keep lower will probably cite Rui and Barnes $17M and $18M, probably even starting the negotiations at $16M I’d bet.

Nobody else took the bet he was worth $20M and that the Hornets wouldn’t match. If I was rockets, I would’ve taken that bet over Brooks. I’m guessing we’ll bridge the gap at some point. Could raise the yearly and lessen the years like Bruce, going 2 years for $42M could be a compromise for PJ to maximize real time earnings and bet on himself to outearn that for next contract, and us not to be stuck for multiple seasons.

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Feel free to recant your accusation now that I’ve caught you up on the basic facts:

They have id’ed the guy as a failure and want to unload said failure for a 1st round pick. That some arrogant thinking that WE should start implementing!

Hey buddy, cut that shit out. He was literally rephrasing your post to clarify to another poster, you constantly seem to never fully read or comprehend a person’s post before acting aggrieved.

Did we trade a 1st rounder for grant? No, so it is an outcome that hasn’t happened yet. Did you make an argument that that outcome would be a terrible situation? Yes.

And even if he did say YOUR argument was dumb (which he didn’t), who cares? It’s based off a speculation article based on rumors and innuendo what Boston would hope for, but pretty sure nobody smart is willing to give up a 1st rounder for a mid level exception type player. Rumors and smoke do not equal facts.

I don’t understand this need you have to start your posts presenting your opinion as some overriding superior understanding and that everyone else somehow has not caught on to. State your opinion, move on. If its worth debating, people will.

I echo this entirely.

Speculations on S&T with Dallas or Boston, :thinking: straight up cannot do under new CBA, complicated will need to find place dump money
Dall 160 million
Bos 178 million

We don’t do complicated a lot, but trades with these last 3 free agents with talent are likely need multi-teamers. SAS & Hornets have most active cap space to be dumping grounds.

Keep in mind too that if there’s an offer agreed to with another team, the original team can match, but then can no longer sign and trade. So, really, all three parties (old team, new team, and player) have to agree. There’s no incentive for the player to agree unless he’s getting something above and beyond what the new team can offer, as that’s harming the new team.

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I talk w unapologetic authority. That is the nature of surviving, competing and commanding respect where I work and live. Are you really saying that I need a softer tone? Really? Tone? I go out of my way to talk to people here respectfully but a softer tone? Are we not all men?

Btw I show TONS of humility. I have never posted on plays, rotations, coaching strategies, missed assignments etc. If I am not competent on it then I don’t post; hence, the reason why I don’t post during the entire regular season.

As for Chef, I’ve gone out of my way for 3 years to not get in tangled in his back handed comments like the one at issue. His statement was nothing short of condescending and a mischaracterization of my intent. Oh and did you see my post - on this very thread - where I wished him financial successes?

We did trade away a lottery pick for a obvious worse pick though… so…… I wouldn’t put it past us. Again, if that’s what we are doing, just sign PJ, as I think he’s the better player, with more upside. I doubt we’d trade a first rounder, but I wouldn’t be shocked if we did.




let’s try it this way:
Chef reportedly wants $1,000,000 for his house that appraises closer to $600,000.

I honestly still have no idea what you’re responding to half the time. Is there a hidden post somewhere I cant see? Did I mention tone anywhere, being softer? Again, you’re setting up an argument against something that was never said to make a point about something that nobody brought up to to appear to be the aggrieved party.

Again, I have no idea what that has to do with here. We’re surviving and competing on a fan message board? That speculates on rumors, fandom, and opinions on things we have zero control over?

Unapologetic authority isn’t exactly a positive trait to exude. Lack of hubris and self awareness, on any subject matter, and frankly, even for subject matter experts themselves, creates a climate of inflexibility and intransigence that forces one to double down rather than being open minded enough to take in and understand new information as it comes up that may or may not cut against the grain. (Real world example if you’ve read any of the comments from the Titanic submersible CEO)

Nobody knows anything definitely in this sphere of armchair GM’s, even if some of us are smarter than current GMs. We have zero power or insight into any front office, so being unapologetically authoritative kind of has no meaning here, just like I can’t be unapologetically authoritative on alien life forms across the universe, or why cats want you to rub their belly but then they bite you for it.

I have no idea about any of his other comments, that would be between y’all. But for this particular post that I was specifically talking about, it seemed clear it was a restatement. But as I’m also not too authoritative to claim to be right about everything, we can ask @Chef himself whether he thought your comment was terrible, or if, as the words appear, a simple restatement of your point.

Anyway, as I say to everyone, just be easy.

Back to free agency stuff, the Dallas concerns should be further assuaged now…

That has to be via their non-taxpayer MLE. There’s no other practical salary space to sign him into. That also takes them out of the Grant Williams or PJ Washington running (though the latter never made much sense contract wise).

OK guys no fighting on hear. I am the big dick hear and not affraid to use it. To keep my Hornets family in line.

Just preserving this evidence for the official HP record.

Anyway, I am glad that Dallas hedging it’s bests on PJs calls to be scooped up. He’s seeing now that he mis-judged the market for his services. Just like on this board, the league is skeptical.

PJ could still punch us by pulling a Miles (signing the offer sheet) but PJ is getting rejected because he’s PJ not because of off court troubles.

“OK guys no fighting on hear. I am the big dick hear and not affraid to use it.”

We all want to see something happen but the market reflects the FO is playing this right with PJ. I want him back but at the best value possible.

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Compared to what others players are getting, I’m probably fine with giving PJ 16-18 million a year. I think he’s worth it. And also shows some good will on our part.